Boyd Mitchler and his family must spend Christmas with his estranged family of misfits. Upon realizing that he left all his son's gifts at home, he hits the road with his dad in an attempt to make the 8-hour round trip before sunrise.
Two New Orleans detectives become embroiled in a centuries-long feud between two secretive factions of vampires while investigating a runaway child's case. Torn between their everyday lives and the dangerous lure of immortality, the detectives must race to destroy the evil Moldero clan.
冷静理智的法政部高级化验师高彦博(欧阳震华 饰),洞察力过人的他单凭一条头发、衣物纤维便能协助警方破案。但他没有想到的是,妻子的弟弟、身为法医的古泽琛(林文龙 饰)和高级督察梁小柔(蒙嘉慧 饰),都怀疑彦博毒害了自己的妻子。
本故事发生在在1945年初,一架运输飞机装载着最新密码机和密钥本运往日本。我国北方某省团城,我军独立三团团长刘建功(王新 饰)正带领三团,在团城外围狐牙岭一带,与据守团城的八重带日军生死搏斗着。装载着密码机和密钥本的日军运输机在经过虎牙岭上空时,正好赶上狐牙岭土匪头子雷子枫(吴奇隆 饰)母亲大寿,雷子枫为给母亲听个响,在实验着的大炮竟歪打正着击中了运输机。正好落在了正在虎牙岭守猎的石敢当(谢孟伟 饰)和爷爷面前,石敢当意外得到密码箱。这时,取的战斗胜利的刘建功也奉命赶到飞虎岭和特派员上官于飞(甘婷婷 饰)寻找密码箱和密钥本,并很快发现了密码本。这时日军也赶到了......
为了石油、权力、爱情和金钱,没有硝烟的战斗再次打响。 如今,J.R.、Bobby和Sue Ellen Ewing这三个经典的银屏形象又回来了--人已老,但气度犹在。他们的回归带来了新的秘密、新的阴谋和新的背叛,并引出了一段全新的故事--一个全新的《家族风云》。这一次,他们将退居二线,真正在前台唱戏的是Ewing家族的下一代。为了得到权力、爱情和Southfork农场的控制权,年轻人和他们的父辈一样开始了新一轮家族争斗。 在新版《家族风云》中,来自《绝望的主妇》的Josh Henderson将扮演J.R. Ewing和Sue Ellen Ewing的儿子,John Ross。John Ross发誓要在Ewing家族的土地上钻探出新的石油,重铸祖辈的辉煌。Jesse Metcalfe扮演Bobby的养子Christopher。和John Ross的想法不...
Peter Plunkett's Irish castle, turned hotel is about to be repossessed, he decides ghosts would attract more Tourists. The trouble begins when a bus load of American tourists arrive. Among them, the daughter of the man who holds the mortgage and a paranormal psychologist and his family. When the real ghosts of castle get angry and decide to take a hand in things will they all survive Halloween
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