世界著名记者萨拉·奥格登(Sara Ogden)正在环游世界,追捕致命危险的“该隐印章”的携带者,以防止看似无关的事件,如大规模谋杀、动乱、革命和混乱。 她甚至不怀疑自己离深渊的边缘有多近,当她在白俄罗斯与那个她一生都在寻找的人面对面时,她最终来到了白俄罗斯。
英国一户普通人家,女主人玛格丽特正用心准备生日蛋糕。今天是她丈夫鲍勃40岁的生日,她瞒着丈夫策划了一个盛大的生日派对,当一切准备的差不多时,玛格丽特给丈夫打电话。鲍勃是一家牙科诊所的医生,此时他正为一个女孩拔牙,妻子希望他能在七点钟回家,而鲍勃心不在焉,只顾望着在等候室忙碌的女护士。傍晚,亲戚朋友齐聚鲍勃家中,谈笑风生。玛格丽特从窗口望见丈夫的车,于是连忙催促大家藏起来准备给鲍勃一个惊喜。不知情的鲍勃径直走入房间,他心里似乎埋藏着诸多不满,不知不觉中说出了许多心里话…… 本片荣获1995年第67届奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖。
This very Kafka-esque film is Keaton's response to the Fatty Arbuckle scandal.[citation needed] Even though the central character's intentions are good, he cannot win, no matter how inventively he tries. He gets into various scraps with police officers throughout the film. Eventually, he unwittingly throws a bomb into a police parade and ends up being chased by a horde of cops. At the end of the film, Keaton's character locks up the cops in the police station. However, the girl he is trying to woo disapproves of his behavior and gives him the cold shoulder. Therefore, he unlocks the police station and is immediately pulled in by the cops. The film ends with the title "The End" written on a tombstone with Keaton's pork pie hat propped on it. One of Keaton's most iconic and brilliantly-constructed short films, Cops was deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" by the United States Library of Congress and selected for preservation in their National Film Registry in 1997.
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