“Shall we go on a trip?” Jin-wook and So-ri couple have been dating for 6 years. So-ri randomly suggests that they should go on a trip along with her best friend Mi-ra and her boyfriend. It is because she promised with Mi-ra before that the four should go on a trip together once Mi-ra has a boyfriend. Jin-wook does not feel comfortable with her plan because he has not been interested in So-ri’s friend at all and has not had a meal even once with the friend together so far. However, he unwillingly decides to go on the trip. As Jin-wook heard that Mi-ra and her boyfriend would prepare all of camping equipment and fishing gadgets, he really does not prepare anything. He only packs the reading material for his thesis in his backpack so that he can work on the thesis that he has been preparing for the last few years continuously. While So-ri was not happy with Jin-wook who has been complaining about every single thing, she is surprised to see how sweet Mi-ra’s boyfriend is. Also, So-ri becomes tired of Jin-wook’s immature behaviors. Mi-ra’s boyfriend Gyeong-hoon has prepared everything for the camping trip including the tent rental, fishing, and cooking. He is just a perfect guy with such a considerate manner towards his girlfriend Mi-ra. Jin-wook, unhappy with the situation, makes a sarcastic comment about Gyeong-hoon for working as a DJ at a club. From Jin-wook’s point of view, Gyeong-hoon is nothing compared to his career as a teaching assistant, who is preparing for his master’s degree at the age of 35. Because So-ri feels sorry for not preparing anything for the trip, she helps Gyeong-hoon cooking the meal diligently, while Mi-ra, who is hypocritical often, stays inside their tent along with Jin-wook and shares her secret personal stories with him.
设定在首部多年之后,邓普顿兄弟蒂姆和泰德长大成人,两人关系也逐渐疏远。蒂姆已婚已育,泰德是对冲基金的首席执行官,两人将因为一个有着先进方式和积极进取态度的新任“宝贝老板”重新联系在一起,激发出新的家族企业。 蒂姆和有“超级妈妈”之称的妻子卡罗尔及异常聪慧的7岁女儿塔比莎、刚出生超级可爱的婴儿蒂娜住在郊区,塔比莎是一所有威望的教育机构的尖子生,将叔叔泰德视为偶像,想成为他那样的人,但蒂姆担心她太过用功,导致无法过一个正常的童年。当蒂娜作为宝贝集团最高机密特工的真实身份曝光,目的是为了揭开塔比莎学校及其神秘创始人阿姆斯特朗博士背后的黑暗秘密时,邓普顿兄弟将以一种意想不到的方式重聚,两人重新审视家庭的意义,明白什么才是最重要的。
该剧描述一个由弗兰肯斯坦式怪物、吸血鬼、狼人和普通人组成的家庭的故事,剧情并不复杂。从某种意义上来说,它更像是《Pushing Daisies》那种超现实主义剧集,而不是传统的悬疑幻想剧。NBC已决定不再开发《怪怪家庭》,将这个试映集安排在10月26日播出。
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