自“大老霸”牺牲后,“超杀女”明蒂(科洛·莫瑞兹 Chloe Moretz 饰)不忘匡扶正义的使命,依然穿梭城市的每一个角落惩治邪恶。而“海扁王”戴夫·莱泽斯基(亚伦·约翰逊 Aaron Johnson 饰)为了能和超杀女组成新的搭档,心甘情愿接受对方的各种严苛训练。另一方面,收养了明蒂的马库斯(Morris Chestnut 饰)希望她能过回正常校园女孩的生活,享受恋爱和友情点缀的人生。眼见明蒂放弃了正义使者的身份,戴夫只得转向由洗心革面的黑帮打手“上校”(金·凯瑞 Jim Carrey 饰)组成的正义永存联盟,和一群原本生活中的废柴为了正义而奋斗。与此同时,失去父母的克里斯(克里斯托夫·梅兹-普莱瑟 Christopher Mintz-Plasse 饰)狂性大发,更名“臭屁王(MotherFu*ker)”,他网罗了一群亡命之徒,发誓摧毁海扁王及其伙伴们的正义事业。 正邪大乱斗在这座城市里拉开帷幕……
Inspired by a true crime case, the fictional six-part series "German Crime Story: Gefesselt" follows the story of one of Germany’s most notorious serial killers, the so-called "acid barrel killer." Raik Doormann strikes fear into the Hamburg area in the early 80s and 90s, as he kidnaps, tortures and brutally kills women in his own nuclear bunker. It is not until Nela Langenbeck, a victim counselor and later homicide detective, comes across clues to his deeds. But at that time, women within the police department are regarded more as secretaries than investigators - so she initially earned headshakes for her approaches. Against all odds, she eventually gets on the trail of Doormann and his gruesome deeds.
When Luna, a battered wife, and Bela, an empowered artist, meet for the first time, their hearts will be freed by the people and society that chain them.
A mysterious mastermind - Daredevil and his team forms a plan and commits bank heist to find the corporate looted people's money.
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